c/o Temple University Civil Engineering
Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award |
Sir/Madam: The Pennsylvania
Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) solicits your help in seeking
nominations for projects for the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards
Program for 2024. Nominations are due November 15, 2024. The
Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards Program strives to recognize
projects, regardless of engineering discipline, that demonstrate engineering
challenges and innovative solutions, communicate the importance of the
Engineering Profession to society, and provide a clear and tangible benefit
to the Greater Philadelphia Area and Delaware Valley Region. This
year's program will follow this same principle, in that the Outstanding
Award will be presented to one project that best meets these criteria as
determined by our panel of judges, typically comprised of the presidents of
the five chapters in the southeast region of Pennsylvania PSPE as well as the
two chapters of Delaware Valley region of NJSPE. Your
assistance in this search is greatly appreciated and will result in a
diversified field from which the judges can make their selection.
Please call me at (215) 885-3733 or send email to OEA@pspe-philly.org if you have
any questions or comments. |
PSPE Philadelphia Chapter. All rights reserved. |